Within these pages you will find the chronicles of two average guys who live in Seattle and plan to drink in every Spirits Serving Establishment within the city.
Archives for 19 September 2002
Aan alle HTML-developers
MadreTTor – a new international festival for [Media]Art, NET_Culture & technology
The aim of Madrettor is to offer an inside in the world of local and international new media artists & designers. To achieve this, lectures, workshops and discussion sessions will be organised during the festival. The more informal programme will contain performances, installations, exhibitions and music Important goal for the festival is to initiate new projects involving a mixture of artists, designers and devellopers from different disciplines to establish a progressive environment within MADRETTOR projects. En het is Rotterdam. Of zoals Gerard Cox zegt: Jottujdam.
Breath Control: The History of the Human Beat Box
Wanneer draait deze documentaire in Nederland? Ik kan er niks over vinden. Alleen op filmfestivals in San Fransisco, Engeland en andere verre wegge landen…