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Archives for 15 January 2003
Ik heb er net 1tje besteld!
Words of Wisdom
- Don’t believe anything you read on the Web. If it’s not printed on dead trees, it wasn’t worth writing in the first place…
Teacher may be fired for condom demonstration…
Health teacher Colin Nicholas instructed students how to put a condom on a banana and may lose his job… compleet gestoord in Amerika
God’ weblog
Ik ben blij dat hij nog bestaat Last night I licked the North Pole, and got my tongue stuck. That’s like the bazillionth time that’s happened. It’s embarassing when You are the Creator of the Universe and You go and do something stupid like that, and end up yelling “Heppp! Heppp! My pongue ith thtuck to dah Norf Pole! Heppp!” like a damn fool. (Via mijn eigen archief :-))
Davilex ontslaat 50 werknemers
Damn….Dat is toch echt wel minder leuk. Ben blij dat bij ons alles goed gaat…