Everybody knows one! George W. Bush, an AWOL chickenhawk warmonger who thinks footstomping is the same as foreign policy and a smirk is the same as sincerity. President George W. Bush, Deserves a pile of shit poured on him for deviously attempting to lead this country into an unnecessary war that will only serve to make him feel as important as his father, which really isn’t saying much anyway.
Archives for 12 February 2003
the anti-France page
The French hate the internet, because it’s all in unabashed English. The few smart Frenchies are raking in the money by adapting to civilized(non-French) society. Their fearless leaders are busy trying to “protect” the French people from this progress. Of particular concern is the word “cool”. It is a stupid and ambiguous American term that is corrupting their society. In French, there is no word for cool or fun. This fact alone says a lot.
Eat Orange schrijft erover: After a long wait and great anticipation – Konfabulator, the desktop widget application for Mac OS X was released today. Wired News bericht:Konfabulator boasts an open-programming interface, which allows people with a little knowledge of JavaScript and XML, or a willingness to learn, to create their own applications. “The goal is to let people create whatever they want,” said Rose by phone from his home in Redwood City, California. “You can make it do whatever you want it to do, and to look how you want it to look. The possibilities are really endless.” Ik heb het vanmiddag bij ons op kantoor even op de Mac geinstalleerd en bekeken en het ziet er inderdaad erg slick-n-slide uit. De XML reference (PDF-alert)zien er niet verschrikkelijk ingewikkeld uit, ik snapte het in elk geval redelijk snel 🙂 Weet iemand of er ook iets dergelijks voor de PC is? Screenweaver komt in mijn ogen nog het dichtst in de buurt, maar dat is weer Flash georienteerd. Al supporten ze in de laatste versie ook COM-koppelingen voor bijvoorbeeld joysticks. Mooie ontwikkelingen. Ik hoop er snel meer van te zien! (update: over de PC versie, inderdaad, waarom geen Director?)