Just to let you know how GTD can help you also in little pieces: The last couple of days, I had this task to complete for a project. Really simple, processing notes into a new project description. But because it was so small and I have a lot of other projects waiting, I kept procrastinating the task. The task kept lingering on my desk, waiting to be completed. This evening I was cleaning out my desk and bumped into it again. Since I was waiting for my ride home I thought “You know what, if i just check what has to be done exactly, I can do it tomorrow”. So I looked at the notes and thought to myself “This is not hard, it’s really easy!” So within ten minutes I had the notes processed in a new project description, emailed the client for approval and made a “Waiting for” task for the answer. All in 15 minutes! Just by really picking up the notes and thinking about it. The feeling was great!
Good weblog Punkey! I’m sure I’ll keep returning to check on how you’re doing – and how I can apply it to my situation.