Remember I bought the GTD audiobook a couple of weeks ago? Well, I made a CD copy for a collegeau and guess what? He left the dark side and is a GTD-practicioner as well. This can really help since we both use the same tools and are on the same job. So during lunch, we can discuss (among other current events :-)) all things GTD. Welcome aboard Martijn! One more hack I implemented and starting to pay off is the use of reminder-time in my Tasks. So right now, my current activities flow as follows: 1. What has to be done on a certain date goes to my calendar and that is the first thing I do in the morning. 2. For Next Action’s without a real due date but has to be done a.s.a.p I put a reminder so I get a list of “urgent” Next Actions. Currently, this list is about 20-30 items long. (which most of the time are “Waiting For”-actions) 3. When those are done, I go to my lists in the Tasklist and work on those NA’s. Even though it’s not perfect, it get’s a big part of the job done for me. Update on Evernote: Hmmm….haven’t really used it…again…I got drawn to a new product called OnFolio which has a lot of potential since it’s an RSS reader and clipboard in one. With Firefox support!
I thought something was only Urgent if you could take action, Right Now! If you’re still Waiting For someone else, can the action really be urgent? You have some time and energy, you look at the URGENT! list and see you’re Waiting For a particular person. You take action, reminding them of what you need. Now you have some more available time and energy, so you get out your URGENT! list. Still Waiting For that person. What can you do now? Follow up with them again, Right Now! No, that won’t help. So it really shouldn’t be Urgent. It COULD be an urgent item to “follow up on all Waiting For’s I haven’t followed up yet today.” Once that’s done, there’s nothing more you can do… so why burn yourself up with the item staying on your Urgent list?