July 20th update…. Genova …what the hell is going on […]Back in the indymedia, we received word that there have been two death now confirmed. Cause of death suspected by being hit by charging police vans, and one person shot as well. While here, a person being interviewed described how she was taking photos and then attacked by 7 police who dragged her behind a white van and beat her while others destroyed her film and batteries. […] I believe this photo is crucial in analyzing the event that led to carlo’s death. in this photo you can see a carabinieri pointing a gun. carlo is about to lift the fire extinguisher from the ground. what this makes clear is that the carabinieri did not take out his gun in response to carlo aiming a fire extinguisher at him. Up to date news [20:25] 4000 people passed Kennedy convergence center heading to Brignole station. Communist party militants and others. [18:27] 500 ppl in zona Marassi going home from the demo are being charged by Police. [18:25] The group composed of most tute bianche and rete no global is now in corso castaldi, moving towards carlini. [18:20] A group of white overall is going to Carlini after having regrouped a few people, a group of demonstrators of Global Rights Network is converging to Ciclamini camping[18:10] 1000-2000 ppl is rioting with police in piazza giusti, corso sardegna. Guerrilla News Network […]We decamped to the point where the Tutte Bianche were making their peaceful and highly impressive march. They looked formidable. Around 15,000 people in a line fronted by large plastic sheets to protect themselves from violence. Their organisers at the front made swift work of anyone holding a weapon or bottle. But fuck it hey. Let’s fuck this right up shall we? Suddenly tear gas cannisters bounced from every wall of the narrow street down which the massed ranks were coming.[…]
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