[[image:backcal.jpg:little piece of calendar:left:0]]Yeah, I’m almost back. But this is news I really have to share. I just got word through an email from a dutch weblog that Backpack has (finally) integrated a calendar application in their online organizer. Now, I can’t find anything on their own website but there is a special page with some demo-movies. I didn’t have time to check them out yet (Hey, I gotta work you know…) but it all looks very promising. Perhaps I will even step off Google Calendar in favour of Backpack’s one. Also, in my own Backpack, I can’t find a link, hint or clue to where this calendar might be. All in all, a very promising step in Backpack’s world. Now all we need is a more intuitive context-driven filter mechanism and we are really set to go with GTD Backpack-stylee
Update: The calendar is available in my Backpack. I will look into it some more and report back!
This has been announced a long time ago but still no integration in Backpack. The only thing that’s available are the videos. To be honest it is quite strange, 37Signals don’t usually announce that something’s coming just to bury it under the carpet.
They did release the voiceNotes for Backpack though:
There is now an announcement on top of my backpack page which says: “NEW FEATURE:: The Backpack Calendar is now available on all paying plans!”
Apparently, Jason Fried eggs us on to sign up for a paying plan.
On Techcrunch a post about Calendar AND the Voice notes:
Indeed! Finally! At the time of my first post there was nothing, but it’s up now. They really did a fantastic job.
Stowe Boyd has a very good review of the new calendar on Backpack: See
I am a big fan of Backpack and constantly find myself pimping it out to friends, but the calendar addition is nothing special. I wouldn’t upgrade to a paid account for it if you weren’t already on the edge of doing so for other reasons.
As little as I use a calendar, I still like 30 Boxes better.
Just my 2 cents.
Maybe I’ll take another look at it