[[image:172651123_798af692b8_m.jpg::left:0]] Today I received a very interesting link in my feedreader. The dutch PR Firm for Mindjet is giving away free copies of the excellent program Mindmanager for bloggers. If you like to brainstorm, think through processes and generaly get things of your mind, Mindmanager can be a wonderful tool for you. As they say for themself (translated from dutch):
The number of blogs, both personal and professional, are growing. The give a new way of knowledge sharing and information flows. Mindjet plays a big role in that area. For that reason we would like to support bloggers with their creativity and offer MindManager for free. With this software they can order their data in a better way and updating your blog becomes easier
I have already received my copy and will definitely write a showdown the coming weeks here on my blog. I think mindmapping is a very very powerful tool for your brain. Anyway, you could try to email them at blog@mindjet.nl and see if you can get a copy. Once again, I am not sure if this action is eligible outside The Netherlands. (picture courtesy of VaXzine @ Flickr.com)
I’m a longtime mindmapper. Wish they’d give me the love (hint, wink, nudge).
Alas, this offer is for bloggers based in the Netherlands only. But if you are a US blogger who gets some good traffic, has lots of links to you, then let’s talk! Email me at hobart.swan@mindjet.com.\nThanks