This is quite a surprise to me. During my day off because of Easter, I cleaned my offline magazine-stack by basically throwing them all away. I was planning on doing the same with my collection of PDF’s on my laptop. But I thought “Well…There are some interesting ones but I need a system to find them on the right moment.” I immediately thought of OnFolio. I used this program for a while, I even wrote some articles about it, for instance the showdown with Evernote (part 1 and part 2) What I need is some sort of system where I can tag documents with proper keywords and find them again when needed. Or be reminded that I have some sort of document on a topic when I am working on a project. That last one is the hardest, but that’s another topic. When I visited the site for a new download (I don’t keep earlier downloaded exe’s) I found they have been aqcuired by Microsoft. Kudo’s for them, but bummer for moi. Because OnFolio as I used to know, does not exist anymore. It is integrated in the Windows Live Beta Toolbar. Whatever that is, since I only use Firefox. But nowhere a sign of an earlier version of OnFolio? The forum already talks about abandoned Firefox-users and people are looking for alternatives. Any other thoughts here are welcome! Update: While browsing through the forum I found a link to the releasehistory. Old versions of OnFolio are still available over there.
>What I need is some sort of system where I can >tag documents with proper keywords and find >them again when needed.
For going on 15 years I’ve used Info Select:
I have one of those jobs with 360 degrees of random information, and it has allowed me not only to survive, but to become the unofficial institutional archivist.
If I was starting over today though, I might just use a private wiki though, or desktop search.