Kidrobot Action Figure Categories
Toch wel erg gave Action Figures van de spiksplinternieuwe site KidRobot. Zoals ze zelf zeggen:”devoted entirely to premium collectible Urban-style action figures.” Urban style action figures….Zal mij benieuwen wanneer Ali G dan als action figure op de markt komt…of Snoop Dog
Ali G In The House
Eastereggs in Flash MX
Check deze screenshot van een van de 6 (!) spelletjes die in Flash MX zit en lees hier hoe je ze tevoorschijn krijgt.
Dispatches From Ramallah
Ooggetuigenverslagen uit Ramallah: “Hours ago, Israeli tanks shelled St. Mary Church in Bethlehem, killing Father Jack (54) and injuring five sisters” “I need milk for my two month old baby; I need medicine because I have diabetes; I need medicine for my high blood pressure; I’m scared — I’m alone trapped in a restaurant in Ramallah and the Israeli snipers are on the rooftop of the building I’m in; I don’t know what to do — my children are scared” “We woke up again with the sounds of the tanks.” “Yesterday, 5 policemen were just sitting in their place and the Israelis shot them. It was so clear there was no resistance. All the blood was on the floor, not high on the walls. It was clear they were sitting on the floor when they were killed. They showed it on TV. All of them were shot in the head when they were sitting on the floor.” “A 55-year old woman by the name of Widad Majed Nimr Safwan was shot dead by Israeli snipers as she left the Ramallah hospital this morning where she came for treatment of her broken leg.”
Major bug found in the Flash 6 Player
De publiciteit rondom de Flash 6 bug die ik pas aanhaalde (de server die plat lag weet u nog) begint meer en meer publiciteit te krijgen. Langzaam maar zeker worden ze bij Macromedia ook wakker, aangezien ze op bovenstaande link al hebben aangegeven dat ze ermee aan het werk zijn. Probleem was dat een hoop developers op FlashForward zaten (???) Dus ik denk dat we binnenkort wel een update kunnen verwachten.