Oliver Stone has Bin Laden conspiracy theory. Just when you thought dissent was forbidden in America, conspiracy-cracking filmmaker Oliver Stone is back. New York’s Daily News reports that Stone, director of “JFK,” “Born On The Fourth Of July” and “Platoon,” recently spoke at Brown University in Providence, and set his sights on the Sept. 11 attacks in New York and Washington. Stone reportedly told the crowd that Osama Bin Laden “was completely protected by the oil companies in this country, who told (President George W.) Bush not to go after him because it would piss off the Saudis.” Stone also claimed there’s been a cover-up at Ground Zero in Manhattan, of “limbs (are) getting cut off bodies for jewelry (and) a man walking off with $132 million.” He also described Senators Joseph Lieberman and John McCain — who have targeted Hollywood with an anti-violence campaign — as “disgusting men who were moved by a tide of soccer moms who said that their kids were being subverted by (Stone’s film) ‘Natural Born Killers’.” The Daily News said Stone described studio heads as “chickens” and “concentration camp guards”, and called most historians “ass-kissers and tenure seekers.” When asked what source of information could be trusted, Stone reportedly replied: “Believe my stuff”
Research conducted by Jupiter MMXI
Research conducted by Jupiter MMXI revealed that pornography Web sites are now the twelfth most popular category of sites on the Internet. Portals and retail, entertainment and corporate sites all ranked higher than online pornography sites. “In the early days it [porn] may have been the number one perhaps because there was not much else to do online,” Lucy Green, marketing director of Jupiter MMXI told BBC online. But now, “people have way more important things to do,” she said.
Volgens mij zijn er twee
The Register Gigger, a new
The Register Gigger, a new JavaScript-based virus, has escaped into the wild. It attempts to delete files from a computer and format user’s disk drive on restart and antivirus vendors are characterising it as high-risk.
Uit Cut-Up: Elf popjournalisten (werkzaam
Uit Cut-Up: Elf popjournalisten (werkzaam bij onder andere 3voor12, KindaMuzik en Bassic Groove) hebben zich verenigd in Het Schaduwkabinet. Elke week publiceren zij een alternatief voor de door Oor en de VPRO samengestelde moordlijst dat steeds meer begint de lijken op een overzicht van de beste platen volgens de platenwereld. Naast lijstjes ook een weblog. Ik kom natuurlijk weer net op het verkeerde moment, want de eerste post is een ellenlang en (sorry) oninteressant verhaal over Noorderslag. Ja sorry hoor..Maar als ik zie dat ik voor een postje bijna 10 keer moet scrollen, dan hou ik op. Maar wel een goed initiatief! Ga het morgen weer opnieuw proberen! Nu ga ik slapen
Wat is een lOggie? Ik
Wat is een lOggie? Ik wil ook zo’n ding!Gaby heeft er een, Mar10e, Zandstrand, Whiskas. Wat een coole stielo! Nee Huge, ga het nou niet na zitten maken 🙂