New TV Shows Inspired By The Internet 1. Modem, She Wrote – Each week, our intrepid detective tries to solve the ultimate mystery: why her modem won’t ever connect at 56k. 2. Micro-CHiPs – Ponch and Jon now patrol the Information Superhighway. 3. Carly’s Angels – Chief exec Carly Fiorina instructs her team of three vixen market analysts on how to prop up HP’s sagging stock price. 4. Hawaii 6.0 – An upgraded version of the classic series. Steve McGarrett goes surfing for bad guys online. 5. T. J. Hacker – A retired cop, with an uncanny resemblance to James T. Kirk, takes up computer hacking to track down the miscreants who canceled his TV show. 6. The Excel Files – Inexplicable things are happening to the data in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. Can this puzzle be solved? The truth is out there. 7. The AOL-Team – Each week, AOL, Time Warner, Netscape, and Mr. T unite to promote corporate mergers and make the world safe for capitalism. 8. Magnum, PC – This series about a crime-solving personal computer that goes by the code name Deep Blue is based in beautiful Hawaii. 9. The Incredible Bulk – The exciting adventures of Windows, which just keeps growing and growing. 10. Buffy the Virus Slayer – Buffy and her fearless gang of antivirus definitions stalk and kill VBS files–no small feat while wearing a halter top and high-heeled boots. by Dawny-Ray
Geloof nr. 896 Jedi Knights
Geloof nr. 896 Jedi Knights have gained official recognition as a religion in the UK Census 2001.
Geinig foutje in een banner
Geinig foutje in een banner van Intel: Op de Emerce staat links een flashbanner (iets onder het midden) van Intel. Let goed op hoe zij Vergaderruimte schrijven… Alstie er niet meer staat dan ben je het slachtoffer van de briljante adbanner-rotatie-techniek. Kan iemand mij vertellen hoe ik die banner los kan linken?
Kazaa klaagt de Buma Stemra
Kazaa klaagt de Buma Stemra aan, misschien eindelijk gerechtigheid?
Goeie peder, je moet’m eigenlijk
Goeie peder, je moet’m eigenlijk horen 🙂
IRON MONKEY contains some of
IRON MONKEY contains some of the best fighting sequences ever captured on film. Director Yuen Wo Ping and his team of hand-picked martial arts experts packed this movie with nonstop action, making it a virtual encyclopedia of classic kung fu moves. Nobody makes martial arts films like Yuen Wo Ping, and IRON MONKEY shows the entire “Yuen Clan” in top form…… Binnenkort dus weer naar de film =)