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DShield. – Distributed Intrusion Detection
DShield. – Distributed Intrusion Detection System Are you cracked? Click here to see! Check of je ip adres gebruikt wordt door hackers.
Jury sat through five hours
Jury sat through five hours of adult films – Hauling out sex toys, adult magazines and racy video clips, an attorney for Major Video spent Thursday trying to convince a Jefferson Parish jury that three adult films sold to undercover vice squad officers fall well within the area’s “contemporary community standards.”
Sex Shop Raided a Day
Sex Shop Raided a Day After Opening – Cambodian police raided the country’s only sex shop a day after it opened on Tuesday and confiscated dozens of items, saying they were a danger to women and a threat to Cambodian society.
Severed Arm Found in Alligator
Severed Arm Found in Alligator Suspected – A human arm that appeared to have been bitten by an alligator was found in a canal west of Fort Lauderdale, sheriff’s deputies said on Monday. The raggedly severed right arm was found on Sunday and was that of an adult male who apparently did not survive, said Broward County Sheriff’s spokeswoman Veda Coleman-Wright. “We’re sure if they survived and they’re missing a right arm, they would have come forward by now,” she said. ”Detectives have no idea what happened with this body part, whether it was some sort of accident and the person was eaten by an alligator and this is what’s left.”
wwftoughenough.com WWF Tough Enough takes
wwftoughenough.com WWF Tough Enough takes reality TV to the mat. In the ultimate reality show, MTV and the WWF have joined together to create the next big male and female wrestling sensations… Een beetje de Starmaker (of K-otic whatever) van de gespierde mensen.