The blog “Creating Passionate Users” has an excellent write-up on why you will never keep up with all your reading and how you can help yourself reducing the amount of information you want or need to absorb. One of the best
Don’t file it. Don’t store it. What you don’t have piling up you can’t feel guilty about. Some people put little height limits on their “to read” stack. (OK, when it gets as high as that drawer, I must throw out the oldest 50%…)
I am also interested in the GetAbstract service. I will definitely try this one out the coming days…
In addition to GetAbstract, you might also check-out Soundview Executive Book Summaries ( Their summaries are available in print, online/download, CD, and MP3 download.
I agree we’ll never be able to read everything. However, reading more efficiently can certainly help. I wrote a bit about it here: