I got a question how I configured Slogger to make RSS-feeds (we call them webfeeds in the Netherlands, but oh well). When I wrote the mail, I thought to myself: Why not share it with everyone? So if you use Slogger and would like to make RSS feeds of your saved pages wo you can read them in your feedreader. Check this little tutorial with pictures! First off, make sure you have the latest version If you use the latest version, go to All settings. [[image:rsstutorial_1.jpg::center:0]] You can add a profile. Choose Add and name it “RSS” [[image:rsstutorial_2.jpg::center:0]] In the tabs General and Save Pages fill in your own preferences. In the tab logfile, I choose a single name for the logfile like “sloggerLog.xml” [[image:rsstutorial_3.jpg::center:0]] The entry is build as follows
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