[[image:26608943_0b4e490f5b_m.jpg::left:0]]Just a quick note from the household-department. Next week we will be moving servers for this website. Not that the current server can’t keep up,but I decided to rent my own webspace. Together with the owner we will move this blog to the new space and at the same time set up a new configuration for the blog. For instance, it has been bugging me since day 1 that I can’t use the official domain Whatsthenextaction.com but am stuck to punkey.com/gtd. We will also set up the so-called “pretty URL’s” which make it better to read the URL’s instead of those pesky ID’s. Next Action after the move is starting some new design for the blog. But more on that later. First we move, than we design. If something goes “bang” in the process, you will know…
(photo courtesy of fill3r)
Succes with it! Will you be down, technically speaking not mentally speaking 😉