Maandag naar Rotterdam om LTJ Bukem te interviewen.
Archives for 22 January 2003
Dope game
Alleen wel erg rsi bevorderend, sneeuwballen gooien.
Damn man, wat een super track, Oh Baby, da’s weer echt zo’n track waar ik helemaal jaloers op ben, omdat ik zelf zoiets had willen maken, ben wel benieuwd naar de rest van haar tracks, iemand?
Babes with Blades
Here it is, wonderful weapons from our BladeMaster’s private collection and others, all displayed for you by the lovely, lethal ladies we know and admire as the Babes with Blades. This will be an on going collection of some of the most beautiful women who can bring that special feeling of both danger and excitement to your computer screen… Some of the most beautiful women?
Liar’s Poker
How to Beat the Polygraph