From the 43Folders-discussiongroup: GTD is about habits, not software. Don’t worry about what software or outliner to use. Learn the habits first and keep it simple. How true is that! More and more I come to realize that the book is not like the Ten Commandments set in stone. What it teaches you is a way of thinking about your work and your priorities. How you handle them is completely up to you. The book reaches some ideas, but I feel it is up to myself and my personal situation how I incorporate those concepts. For instance, I don’t have a deskdrawer at work where I keep my projectmaterial. Why? Because we use special envelopes with the projectplanning on them for that material. Why would I start a new habit, a new way of organizing, when all my co-workers use another way? What did happen is I change the way I approach and use those envelopes. They are on my desk, but in a ordened manner and I can quickly find the stuff I need. New material goes directly in the right folder instead of lingering around on my desk. This is just one example. I feel I changed a lot of little habits and are more aware of the projects and actions around me than I was before. What are your changes in habits? Do you feel more aware? Leave a comment if you do!