I just implemented a new feature on the individual articlepages of this blog. When you visit this page via a searchengine, you will see the searchwords highlighted on the page. I hope you will find this helpfull. You can test this by going to this searchresult on “gtd backpack” and click the link to my page. You will see the searchwords highlighted. You can find the script and helpfiles on this site
Archives for 14 January 2006
Mindmap on GTD
Eric Sinclair attended a GTD Connect Circle in Chicago. These meetings are ongoing discussions furthering the work being done on the GTD seminars. Very interesting (when do they come to the Netherlands?) and Eric created a mindmap around these meetings. Very interesting topics and questions in this map. It is made in Freemind, the free mindmap software you can download from Sourceforge.
So does anybody else visit these kind of circles? I never heard of them but it sounds interesting to meet up with others to talk about personal productivity, talking and learning from each other.