Welcome to the third instalment of Mindful Makers, where we interview highly creative people and ask them what they think about creativity, productivity, and building products that matter in today’s connected world. In the previous editions, we chatted with Buster Benson and Khe Hy. Today, we are pleased to take …
I think that you need to be able to get compound interest on your thoughts. Good ideas come from when ideas have sex: the intersection of different things that you’ve been reading or different things you’ve been seeing. So you can have better ideas faster if you are actually reviewing the old things and you are building up. You’re not throwing away work.
Roam Research is een relatief nieuwe app die ik zo nu en dan gebruik en probeer te snappen. Het principe van de backlinks is erg interessant, waardoor je losse notities semi-automatisch worden gelinkt door gelijke woorden en termen. De maker, Conor White-Sullivan heeft uitgesproken ideeën hoe de dienst is te gebruiken en waar de kracht ligt. In dit interview krijg je een beeld van zijn gedachtengang.