Welcome to Disturbing Auctions!
Welcome to Disturbing Auctions!
Email etiquette. Verplichte kost voor
Email etiquette. Verplichte kost voor iedere noob die me gek spammert met gratis gsm mailtjes 🙂
How Much is Inside a
How Much is Inside a Print Cartridge? Hoeveel porno kun je met een cartridge printen? “…double checked the status of the porn, yep, still naughty.” (via Bob)
Kevin Kelly: the web runs
Kevin Kelly: the web runs on love, not greed […]”While the most popular 50 websites are crassly commercial, most of the 3 billion web pages in the world are not. Only thirty percent of the pages of the web are built by companies and corporations. The rest is built on love, such as care4pets.com or responsiblepetcare.org. The answer to the mystery of why people would make 3 billion web pages in 2,000 days is simple: sharing. Soms vragen mensen me (ons) wel eens waarom ik een weblog heb. Zie boven.
Do your part for the
Do your part for the free world!!!!! The Leaders of the world are asking for your support to combat terrorism and we’re encouraging to demonstrate against them this Friday at 15:00 hours. It is a well-known fact that the Taliban are against alcohol consumption and think it is sinful to look at a naked woman. Therefore, at 15:00 this Friday, women should run naked through the office while men chase them with a beer in their hands. This is the best way to show our disgust for the Taliban and will hopefully help us in detecting the terrorists among us (anybody who doesn’t do as proposed will be deemed a terrorist and denounced to the World). Your efforts are much appreciated in the name of a free, democratic world. Thank you.