Bitmagic is niet meer…is dit ook niet meer nodig.
Koelman is op Femke :
VET, het www in 3d.
It turns out that Office
It turns out that Office XP’s Voice Recognition is pretty much useless. The first line we tried to dictate into Word was: “Now is the time for all good organisms to come to the aid of their ecosystem.” It came out as follows: “If fifth Species be a speedy spoof speed the fellow and Malibu for the door for this man-fifth thing think both effect affect fifth thing think.” Dus toch nog maar even niet aanschaffen 🙂
Quote of the Decade “Computer
Quote of the Decade “Computer games don’t affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we’d all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music.” Kristian Wilson Nintendo Inc. 1989 Oh jee………
Slow dayzzzz on the logging
Slow dayzzzz on the logging site of the internet…. Met adsl gaat de internet-wereld voor je open, er is zoveel te zien en te beleven dat het loggen er bij inschiet. Neem nu SongSpy, vergeet Napster, WinMX en al die andere bagger. Hier komen de nummers echt met 37 Kb/s binnen!