From the install-instructions: “To use the TiddlyPedia skin on your own TiddlyWiki, copy the contents of TiddlyPediaPackage tiddler and tag it as ‘systemConfig.’ “ C’mon….can’t we think of a less laughable name than TiddlyWiki and TiddlyPedia? I think it’s stupid. On the other hand, I also think it’s time for a personal tool-stop and start working on my own system with the tools I have. And not try new stuff whenever I am stuck with the current ones. So no Tiddly-Whatevers for me for a while. Just my Outlook, Moleskine, FeedDemon (yup, dropped OnFolio, way to heavy on the resources) and some printouts of the DIY Hipster PDA. Like I said earlier, it’s time to consolidate.
Problem with webfeed? seems there is a slight problem with my Feedburner-based webfeed (forget that RSS-webfeed debate…) and it doesn’t show up properly. I don’t have a solution right now but will look into it on a later time this weekend.
Rule of thumb to put something in a list?
I was working through my Inbox this morning and had a few mails I had to delegate to someone else. Short questions, little assignments. But I need an answer from the receiving party to move the project forward. Not now, but whenever possible. I was thinking and in doubt. I use the GTD Outlook plugin so I have the possibility to put a request in my Waiting-For list with one click. But then I thought to myself, “I think she is going to answer pretty quick, since it’s such a simple question. Why should I put in my WF-list? When I put it in, perhaps an hour later I can throw it out! Maybe I should just email and not put a reminder on my list.” But I was in doubt because what if she doesn’t respond in an hour? What if she gets flooded with mail and doesn’t find the time? Anyway, the whole process of doubt and thinking took me more than 2 minutes so I decided to put it in my WF-list anyway and see how it works out the coming days/weeks. If, during my Weekly Review, I find a lot of already answered mail, perhaps I should find another way. Maybe another context? @ShortAnswer? Any thoughts on little rules of thumb on these issues? How do you deal with it?
10 Steps To Better Meetings
To-Done has some great tips and steps on holding better meetings. Not just by content, but also by context. For instance: Start on time. Sounds easy? You should know how many time I’ve wasted waiting on people “just having one more smoke”, “just finishing this phonecall” or any other lame excuse to show up late. And what if you adress it to them? “owww c’mon don’t be so nitpicky….” exhausting man….exhausting… Another tip? Have a leader. I have been in meetings with absolutely no coordination, no agenda, no notes. Nothing. They last a couple of hours, take forever to make decisions. Oh the frustration when I see that list. Because part of me knows I have been a bad boy too when it comes to meetings (and sometimes still am) but part of it also knows that meetings can be held in a better way. But for some reason, people don’t listen…