Ik mag dan wel drie dagen niet hebben geschreven, dat wil nog niet zeggen dat ik niets meer lees en opsla voor mezelf en voor jullie. De leesmap gaat natuurlijk gewoon door. Soms is het een wat vreemde eclectische verzameling links en invalshoeken, maar ik denk dat er uiteindelijk toch wel een rode draad in is te vinden. Welke onderwerpen spreken jou het meest aan? Wat zijn de artikelen die je het meest verrassen in mijn lijstjes?
[How a Self-Publisher Created a Lean and Profitable Startup … and a Brand New Career Entreproducer](http://entreproducer.com/evernote-essentials-ebook/)- Een podcast van plm 36 minuten met Brett Kelly. Schrijver van Evernote Essentials en een van de inspiraties om Lifehacking met Evernote te schrijven. -
Business Insider – The Difference Between What You Share And What People Want To Read– People will want to share science content because it makes them seem smart. People will click on celebrity content because no one will know.
Unbound Pages – Hoe verandert ons lezen nu het principe van de pagina verandert. Van pagina naar scherm naar mobiel… “the written word remains. It will certainly help if those words are designed to be read.”
[The future of toys… ](http://www.ipasxsw.com/post/45346152260/the-future-of-toys) – If you look at a company like Lego, who are often brought up when talking about 3D printing, it’s not too much of a stretch to think they might provide a service subscription model. So you can download a few official bricks for free, pay a small one off fee for certain kits, or pay a monthly fee to have access to their entire archive of the last 60 years. Then you just print them at home. Will people just pirate them? Yes, they will, they probably already have. But like Spotify has shown, people will use reasonably priced legal alternatives. -
The power of the RSS reader – Marco.org-Abandoning the entire idea of the RSS-inbox model because of inbox overload is like boycotting an all-you-can-eat buffet forever because you once ate too much there.
- How poor planning and inexperience yielded me insanely loyal customers – Without really meaning to, I had converted a sizable contingent of my customers into people who not only liked my product, but are now walking around thinking of me as a generous fellow who does nice things for the people who buy from him.