I decided to add a little service for my readers. From now on, you can bookmark every individual post directly in del.icio.us with a little link under the post that says (surprise surprise) “Bookmark this post”. Is this useful for you? Need more widgets like these? I’m here for you, my precious reader!
how is this useful when every del.icio.us user alredy has a “post this” bookmarklet in their browser?
Also, I’m guessing that non-del.licio.us users will be expecting your “bookmark this” link to add your site to their browser’s bookmark list.
Excellent initiative, though I agree with Hashim that a better approach would be somelink like a delicious-button, (add to delicious). The reason why this can be useful even if I too have a post bookmarklet, is if you’d automaticly fill in a summary, and perhaps even a couple of suggested tags!