Just a short note to let my readers know what’s going on in GTD-country over here. Some pretty interesting issues I might focus on in a later post. Here they are * As of today, I have converted 2 co-workers into reading the book, 1 co-worker (the CEO actually) to implement GTD in his professional work and 2 projectmanagers to be at least curious about this whole “Getting Things Done thingy”… Woohoo! * Which gives me more power and strength to implement and hold on to the principles here at work. Actually, conversations between me and my co-workers now focus more on Next Actions and physical appointments instead of vague to do lists. What a progress! * I now have two Moleskines. It gets worse! It’s an addiction! I have a large and a little one. The little one is for on the road. For small thoughts, Inbox-material etc. The large one has the destination to become more of a lifejournal. Now I need a life…;-) * We plan on using salesforce.com for our projects and sales-opportunities (and more). I foresee an issue with my @waiting for list in Outlook. Anyone have any experience on this topic? * My desk is empty! I planned two hours to clean up, made a dedicated In-basket, filled my filecabinet with manila-folders and projectfiles and started fresh. * Now I need to find the balance between have-to-do work that day and emergency-jobs that come in between. I find myself re-negotiating a lot of appointments with myself. One appointment I made with myself is to post more often. I see that visits and interest in this weblog has somewhat declined and I don’t like that! So I need to regain my audience again. Nice project!
Visit sforce.com (or send me a note) and let us know if we can answer that salesforce.com question for you.
Hope you come back soon!!