This is a reply I wrote on the GTD@Yahoo about emptying your Inbox at work. Thought I’d share it with all of you:
“ I am currently enjoying a two week holiday. Normally I have access to my workmail from home and I know from previous holidays I will check it every now and again. So this time, I decided something else. After my last day at work I asked the system administrator to change my emailpassword to something new and not tell me. So right now I can’t access my workmail. Excellent! Best thing is, because I know I can’t access it, I don’t have the pressure to check it every now and again. This leads me to the next issue: I left a week ago with an empty Inbox. Took me one friday afternoon, but I had everything covered. NA’s after my holiday, delegating current projects, filing projectmaterial. So when I arrive, I know there is some 500+ email waiting for me. I have my “Out of office” reply running until tuesday/ This means I have monday to work through this Inbox and get it to empty. After that, it’s time to check up with my co-workers :-) So to be honest, I am excited about getting back to work to see if this plan will work. I know it will!”
I will let you know next monday how it worked out!