You might have already seen it floating around, but just to be complete: Jeff Sandquist started a GTD Wiki and I must say I am very proud to be in the initial list of GTD weblogs. Just as proud as I am to be on the introduced on the OfficeZealot list of GTD-weblogs. Which I forgot to mention earlier this week. So here’s my good deed for this week :-) One more question: I feel my english writing is not up to par with the way I speak it. Since I’m Dutch, my English sounds more American (hey, blame the TV!) but now that I am writing in English I’ve noticed I can’t express myself articulate enough the way I could do it in Dutch. How do you, as a reader, experience this? Do you see holes in my thoughts that need further explanation? Is my writing clear? So I make sense? I hope to learn from your comments!
Your writing is just fine! Keep it up!