Talking to your child about the WTC attack…… Ik zou zeggen twee wolkenkrabbers, twee vliegtuigen, enge mannen met baarden en BOEM.
Tering…als dit allemaal mogelijk is
Tering…als dit allemaal mogelijk is met Flesh en tInternet. Dan wordt het nog wel wat…
Medicinal Leech Price List LE-2000
Medicinal Leech Price List LE-2000 HIRUDO MEDICINALIS 7-99 leeches* $ 6.90/ea. 100 or more leeches $ 5.25/ea Jumbo Leeches (3gm) available for research. Contact Leeches U.S.A. *Regular Delivery Service: 7 leeches minimum order.
Linux recently became the first
Linux recently became the first desktop OS to support enormously large file sizes. How large? 144 Petabytes, or 144,000,000,000,000,000 bytes. Daar kun je veel MP3-tjes op kwijt….
Nog even over de Shape
Nog even over de Shape Squad. Tering wat maken die lui een dope shit. Zoals ze zelf zeggen: DOPESHITPERIOD. Check hun site. Download de Beef-MP3, bestel de stickers. Get busy with it.
Comdex without laptops? In an
Comdex without laptops? In an effort to improve security after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the organizers of next week’s Comdex trade show have banned the most ubiquitous of technology tools: laptop computers.