Twenty years ago today I wrote the first post in this space.
Apparently the effort it took to do this was so Herculean that I didn’t get around to writing another post until two months later, a post wherein I linked to a description of how I maintained the “constantly updated collection of news …
Te gast bij Glitch Show
Gaat Github Facebook achterna met hun monopolie voor open source software?
History repeating
Jeena beschrijft het duidelijk in zijn blogpost:
"I guess GitHub right now is like Facebook was in 2012, everybody is on it, it’s a super vibrant community, it’s backed by a huge amount of money, it locks you in (at least with wiki, issues, URLs).
And my second guess is that it will also do what Facebook does, it will get out of control by trying to monetize on its monopoly."
Last weekend was IndieWebCamp Utrecht. I went along and had a great time learning, hacking, and seeing some parts of Holland.
IndieWebCamps are brainstorming and building events where IndieWeb creators gather semi-regularly to meet in person, share ideas, and collaborate on IndieWeb design, UX, & co…