A Maasai man in Kenya has had his penis bitten off by his angry wife, who suspected him of adultery…
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door Frank Meeuwsen
A Maasai man in Kenya has had his penis bitten off by his angry wife, who suspected him of adultery…
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door Frank Meeuwsen
Live Bookmarks is a new technology in Firefox that lets you view RSS news and blog headlines in the bookmarks toolbar or bookmarks menu. With one glance, quickly see the latest headlines from your favorite sites. Go directly to the articles that interest you — saving you time. http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/live-bookmarks.html
door Frank Meeuwsen
Ik heb weer 5 Gmail – accounts te geef. First come first go. In de reacties je liefde voor punkey.com betuigen helpt 😉
door Frank Meeuwsen
An anonymous reader writes “The author of the Echelon decided to take his fight against software piracy to the next level and then threw in the towel. After someone began posting new serial numbers on a well known hacking site, the author took matters into his own hands. With version 1.0, entering a hacked serial number causes the software deleted the user’s Home directory. Yes, you read it right, the software completely erases it (aka rm -rf ~)…
door Frank Meeuwsen
Where has all the good illegal peer-to-peer action gone? Underground. In some cases, waaaaay underground. Fearful of reprisals from the major entertainment companies and worried about virus-laden, corrupted, or spoofed files, many users are shying away from the big-name file-sharing networks like Kazaa and WinMX, and have gone straight, buying their music and video from legal sources. That’s a win for Hollywood…
door Frank Meeuwsen
Dit is toch wel een he-le vet-te graffiti gallery…
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