Interessante uiteenzetting waarom “videologs” interessant kunnen zijn en hoe ze te combineren zijn met de reguliere media: “The technology exists now to allow you to get back from the bars at 1 am and then turn on your TiVo to watch 20 minutes of live CNN followed by a 20-minute condensation of the NBC evening news (no commercials) followed by a 20-minute compendium consisting of 5 minutes of Instapundit, 5 minutes of Scripting News, 5 minutes from Adam Curry and 5 minutes from Dowbrigade.” Food for thought…
Baby Grandpa says
Hee! Dat fotootje is Max Headroom, uit de jaren ’80…
Baby Grandpa says
Hee! Dat fotootje is Max Headroom, uit de jaren ’80…