[[image:truelies.jpg::left:0]]Uit de Inbox: “GNN (Guerrilla News Network) is proud to announce the beta launch of GNN 2.0, the new citizen news network. In the coming days, we will be turning over the site to you, our loyal users. The new site will allow you to create your own home page, publish a blog, write full-length articles, publish your own photo essays, and participate in collaborative, ongoing investigations. You’ll also be able to create networks of like-minded “friends” to blast your news to. Most importantly, the media revolution will now be in your hands. Guerrillas will decide what is news and what isn’t – with the emphasis on producing original, thought-provoking content. The more you contribute, the more of a voice you will have on GNN 2.0.” Of zou dit allemaal weer te links zijn voor “ons volk”?