An excellent tip I just picked up while freestyle-surfing the net (you know, pointless click-and-reading, feels great every once in a while). Have you ever come across an mp3 file on the Internet and wanted to download it and put it on your iPod, but didn’t have time to deal with it? With the combination of, Feedburner and an podcatch-client you will have a nice combination. Read the fine art of tagging and linking over here!
Meg White kan niet drummen
Dat kon ze op vorige CD’s al niet. En op de nieuwe CD Get behind me Satan eigenlijk nog steeds niet. Verder wel een lekker CD-tje…
Behoorlijk ongunstig ja…
GTD add-in update and new magazine
In this month’s newsletter from the David Allen company some interesting news from the homebase of GTD: NetCentrics is working on the next release of the GTD Outlook Add-In, tentatively available in August. And other interesting news: GTD | Connect! will be launching this fall. It will be a monthly subscription program with teleseminars, printed newsletters, expanded e-zines, PDF’s, recorded interviews with some of the brilliant minds (not my words! – FM) in the David Allen network, special discounts on new products and new events and much more. You can subscribe to this free newsletter at the David Allen-website