With my morningcoffee I opened the feedreader to see what is up in my community. One of the blogposts that popped up is by Peter Rukavina, he links to the “World after Corona” article by Yuval Noah Harari. What a coincidence, was my first reaction. Then I noticed his source, it was my own blogpost from yesterday. Well thanks for the link Peter! I am not sure if you use any Webmention technology already? Because I didn’t receive a notification you linked to me.
For those who don’t know what a webmention is, it’s a way for you to tell me “Hey, I have written a response to your post.” It’s all done by machines, most of the time no humans are involved. But not all sites and weblogsoftware support webmentions yet.
Webmention endpoint
When you are sure your weblogsoftware doesn’t send out webmentions you can use my webmention endpoint page. On this page you give two URL’s, the Source URL of your own article where a link to mine is present and the Target URL of my page where you are referring to. Click “Ping me!” and my machine will take of the rest.
On my original article you will see a mention of Peter’s site. Unfortunately the link refers to Peter’s about-page instead of the original blogpost. These are all details that need to be worked out because in my backend it does show Peter’s original post
I am not sure how and where to fix this, I might need some WordPress expertise to know in what template I need to change what line.
If you want to get started with Webmentions on your WordPress blog, read my explanation (in Dutch!) how to install and configure the plugin.