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Archives for 9 January 2003
Start-up marries blogs and camera phones
Up until now, blogging has appealed to a small band of relatively sophisticated PC users ranging from amateur journalists to angst-ridden teenagers, but Holahan says the convergence of weblogs and camera phones will crack open the market for weblog services. As well as boosting revenues for network operators, it will drive the sale of camera phones, he said. hehe, angst-ridden teenagers
From Defective Yeti: My New
. .. san francisco .
Als ik deze foto’s zie wil ik het liefst meteen weer terug. Weg uit die min tig graden ellende hiero…
The Gong Show
Fuck Idols, check de Gong Show uit de jaren ’70 met de Mouth Percussionist en een fucked up goochelaar. ExtraGratisLeuk!