Ik weet weer niet exact waarom, maar ik heb vanmiddag weer een paar uur stukgeslagen aan het leren van emacs. Zoveel auteurs, programmeurs, hackers en productiviteit-knutselaars zweren er bij, dus er moet wel iets goeds in zitten. Ik vrees echter dat ik moeilijk ga wennen aan de conventies voor de sneltoetsen. Een half jaar geleden schreef ik al dat ik hier op vastliep en eigenlijk is dat niet anders nu. Ik heb even de org-mode geprobeerd, maar helaas is het niet erg intuïtief om mee te starten en de documentatie is eveneens niet heel inspirerend. De leercurve is me net iets te steil om in een middagje onder de knie te krijgen. Dat is jammer. Maar ik heb besloten niet op te geven. Wordt dus zeker vervolgd!
door Frank Meeuwsen §
Neil Mather says
Replied to a post by Frank Meeuwsen
It took me a lot of perseverance to get into emacs. I love it now though. The reason I got into it again (I’d dabbled a long time ago, before subsequently using vim instead) was I was looking for a libre alternative to Workflowy. This brought me to org-mode and then I also came across spacemacs, which combines emacs with the vi-like keybindings that I was very used to. It also has a very nice default look and feel and plenty of useful features configured out of the box. So I gave emacs another shot.
I persevered this time because I really want to use libre software wherever possible. Emacs must be one of the longest running free software projects out there, and I feel it will exist for a long time after other editors have come and gone. It is really hackable and has a great community of people hacking on it.
I would never make the claim that Emacs is better than any other editor, there are many good ones out there, and I think it really depends on what you want and why. But I can quite definitely say that after using emacs regularly for a few years, I absolutely love it, and can’t imagine myself using anything else anytime soon.
I can’t recommend a good tutorial as I never really did one end-to-end, just dipped into different things here and there.
Bit I think series of short videos can be better than text tutorials for this, sometimes.
I haven’t watched this series, Using Emacs, but I see it linked a lot, so it might be useful: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49kBWM3RQQ8&list=PL9KxKa8NpFxIcNQa9js7dQQIHc81b0-Xg
This one is quite good for org-mode, not least because he sounds like Arnold Schwarzenegger: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQS06Qjnkcc