Before visiting friends in Enschede this afternoon the Man requested a visit to the Rijksmuseum Twente to see a (small) expo on the Futurists, founded by the Italian artist Marinetti early 20th century. I liked the style of the paintings, though the political views of the group were problematic (“we want to glorify war”).

Improv classes at the Haviland Club start back up for the fall next Monday, September 12, 2022:
Is it time to be creative and gain confidence from learning about improv? HA Club Charlottetown Monday night classes start on Sept. 12, 7-9pm, Farringford House (The Haviland Club), Charlottetown. All l…
Finishing another draft, and thinking about the time scales.
Whenever I want to give people career advice, I inevitably start saying the things that worked for me.